Core Courses

Core Courses

We are proud to provide strong academic opportunities within a Catholic, faith-centered environment.

The mandated Alberta Program of Studies is taught for all core subject areas of Math, Science, Social and Language Arts. We will provide time to core subject learning while focusing on developing foundational knowledge, skills and attitudes.  


We believe that middle school is a transitional time between primary and high school, where students begin to learn independence in a focused and scaffolded way.  Therefore,

  • Core courses are only taught by 2 select teachers for one class.  For example, one teacher would teach Mathematics and Science, while another teaches Language Arts and Social Studies.  
  • Specialist teachers teach additional courses such as Physical Education, Fine Arts and 21st Century Learning.       
  • Teachers will be engaging in collaborative planning throughout the school year to ensure the highest quality of educational programming. They will also be looking for ways to make cross-curricular connections between the different subject areas.

To read more about the Alberta curriculum, visit: